The True Story of Adam and Eve . a myth by Alice B. Clagett

A Myth by Alice B. Clagett
24 January 2015

What really happened in the Garden of Eden? …

Adam and Eve were having a wonderful time, exploring the Art of Love under a beautiful tree known as the Tree of Long Life and Happiness.

It was summertime. Little did they know, there was a very large snake in the tree. The devil came by and said to the snake, in a low, snarly, hissy voice (so that the snake could understand) …

Tell Adam and Eve that what they’re doing is Evil!

So the snake snuck along slowly, till it was near their ears.

By this time they were asleep under the tree, cuddled in each other’s arms. Dreaming sweetly of conjugal love.

The snake hissed in their ears like this: What you did was wrong! Trust me on this! I just found out from the fellow that owns the Book of Good and Evil.

Their eyes opened wide. They looked at each other.

Adam said to Eve: WHY did you tempt me?

Eve said to Adam: WHY did you treat me like an evil thing?

Then God, who had been listening all the time (naturally) sent just a hint of his magnificent, loving heart down to the vicinity of the devil, the snake, the tree, and Adam and Eve. But just a hint was more than enough! Everyone was struck with awe, looking up at Him.

And God said: My children, this dissing of your human nature is truly not to my liking. I like Love. Hate’s just not my thing. My feeling is, this Garden, and this Tree of Long Life and Happiness, are just not the place for the two of you. Until you kiss and make up.

So out they went from the Garden of Eden, and into a Dimension NOW known as Duality. A Dimension of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

You all know, from the Bible (Genesis 2:15-25) what happened then (1). And from Joni Mitchell, in her “Woodstock” song, how the longing of their children grew to return to the non-dual state.

And all we many children of Adam and Eve, at this moment of Ascension, have, after all these aeons, found our way back. Back to the Garden of Earth. What damage has been done, will be undone. All of us, all humankind, shall join in this Great Song, the Song of Earth Arising.

Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..

