Three Mudras: Purify Lower Quadrant; Strengthen Core Star; and Heart Fills Room . by Alice B. Clagett

Published on 19 March 2018

    • Mudra 1: Purify the Lower Quadrant of the Light Body
    • Mudra 2: Strengthening the Core Star
    • Mudra 3: Heart Fills the Room

Dear Ones,

Here are three mudras: One is to consolidate and strengthen the lower quadrant of the body of light. The second is to consolidate and strengthen the core star energy. And the third is to visualize the energy of the heart filling a room full of people.

There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I have three mudras for you today.

Mudra 1: Purify the Lower Quadrant of the Light Body

The first one has to do with purifying, consolidating, and strengthening the energy of the lower quadrant of the Light Body. You are taking both hands, like this (hands in front of the body, at the level of the navel point, palms down, fingers together, fingertips pointing away from the body). As if you were pushing energy down, with your palms … energy that then goes down towards the heels of your feet. It looks like this …

Image: "Mudra 1: Palms to Heels," by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Mudra 1: Palms to Heels,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: The person is standing, facing forward, hands in front of body, elbows bent, fingers together; thumbs are separate from the fingers. Fingertips are pointed forward, palms down … COMMENT:  It is as if energy is being steadied and tamped down toward the ground, in front of the body.

Image: “Mudra 1: Palms to Heels,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: The person is standing, facing forward, hands in front of body, elbows bent, fingers together; thumbs are separate from the fingers. Fingertips are pointed forward, palms down …

COMMENT:  It is as if energy is being steadied and tamped down toward the ground, in front of the body.

And you can do that, at first, to ground yourself and to purify the energy of the lower chakras … the lower triangle.

Mudra 2: Strengthening the Core Star

Then the next mudra has to do with consolidating and strengthening the energy of the Core Star, which is a central place, within us, above the navel point and beneath the rib cage, deep inside the body.

And when that is consolidated and strengthened, then the whole energy field of a person becomes more at one. And that’s a pretty easy one. It looks like this …

Image: "Mudra 2: Core Star Strengthening," by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Mudra 2: Core Star Strengthening,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: The person is standing, facing forward, hands in front of body, elbows bent … The left hand is in front of the left side of the lower chest, palm down, fingers together and slightly curled; thumbs are separate from the fingers. The fingers are pointing toward the right side of the body. The right hand is in front of the right side of the abdomen and about eight inches beneath the left hand; the right hand is palm up, fingers together and slightly curled; thumbs are separate from the fingers. The fingers are pointed forward (away from the person) … COMMENT: It is as if a ball of energy is held between the two hands, and calmed and stabilized there.

Image: “Mudra 2: Core Star Strengthening,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: The person is standing, facing forward, hands in front of body, elbows bent … The left hand is in front of the left side of the lower chest, palm down, fingers together and slightly curled; thumbs are separate from the fingers. The fingers are pointing toward the right side of the body.

The right hand is in front of the right side of the abdomen and about eight inches beneath the left hand; the right hand is palm up, fingers together and slightly curled; thumbs are separate from the fingers. The fingers are pointed forward (away from the person) …

COMMENT: It is as if a ball of energy is held between the two hands, and calmed and stabilized there.

See, here is the Core Star …

Image: "Core Star Is at This Level, Deep Inside Body," by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Core Star Is at This Level, Deep Inside Body,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: The person is standing, facing forward. Palm of right hand touches chest just below the diaphragm (which is at the bottom of the rib cage).

Image: “Core Star Is at This Level, Deep Inside Body,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: The person is standing, facing forward. Palm of right hand touches chest just below the diaphragm (which is at the bottom of the rib cage).

While you are using the mudra, you are imagining placing your Awareness on the core star energy deep within your body … above your navel point, and below your rib cage.

So it becomes like a bubble of energy all around you.

So first, with Mudra 1, you have consolidated and strengthened the lower quadrant, which frequently is subject to the unconscious thought cloud of the world. Especially on the weekends, in a large, urban environment.

And then, with Mudra 2, you are consolidating your entire energy field.

Mudra 3: Heart Fills the Room

The next mudra has to do with sending love from the heart chakra, out into a room full of people … a huge congregation, or a small congregation, of people. It includes a visualization, and the hand movements are very similar to the last mudra, except that the hands are spread farther apart, and are located higher up, near the heart chakra.

And the place that you visualize is your own heart chakra, deep inside your body, at the level of your physical heart. Now, you imagine that that spot is the center of a huge sphere of energy, that proceeds through through the whole space.

You are standing in the back. It is important. You are standing in the back of this huge space of the room. And the energy sphere fills up the entire place, from ceiling to floor, no matter how many stories it is. And all the whole building, from one side to the other side, and everyone that is in it. Ok?

So your heart is touching the hearts of everyone there.

Here is the mudra …

Image: "Mudra 3: Heart Fills a Room," by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Mudra 3: Heart Fills the Room,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” …  DESCRIPTION: The person is standing, facing forward, hands in front of body, elbows bent … The left hand is  outside of the left side of the upper chest, above the level of the heart. Hand is palm down, fingers together and slightly curled; thumbs are separate from the fingers. The fingers are pointing toward the right side of the body. The right hand is outside of the right side of the abdomen and about eight inches beneath the left hand; the right hand is palm up, fingers together and slightly curled; thumbs are separate from the fingers. The fingers are pointed forward (away from the person) … COMMENT: Visualize your own heart chakra, deep inside your body, at the level of your physical heart. Then imagine that spot is the center of a huge sphere of energy, that proceeds through through the whole space of the room in which you are standing.

Image: “Mudra 3: Heart Fills the Room,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 March 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … 

DESCRIPTION: The person is standing, facing forward, hands in front of body, elbows bent … The left hand is outside of the left side of the upper chest, above the level of the heart. Hand is palm down, fingers together and slightly curled; thumbs are separate from the fingers. The fingers are pointing toward the right side of the body.

The right hand is outside of the right side of the abdomen and about eight inches beneath the left hand; the right hand is palm up, fingers together and slightly curled; thumbs are separate from the fingers. The fingers are pointed forward (away from the person) …

COMMENT: Visualize your own heart chakra, deep inside your body, at the level of your physical heart. Then imagine that spot is the center of a huge sphere of energy, that proceeds through through the whole space of the room in which you are standing.

As you can see, the mudra is very similar to the second mudra, except it is a little higher up. The hands are held a little farther out … as if they were embracing a sphere of energy. And in your thoughts … in your Awareness … you are placing your Awareness on the entire room full of people, or the building.

. . . . .

Those are three mudras that may be undertaken consecutively, with good results, I have found, in a group of people, especially if standing unobtrusively in the back of the room.


–from Link: “Three Mudras: Purify Lower Quadrant; Strengthen Core Star; and Heart Fills Room,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 19 March 2018 … ..

Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..

