Death: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot . sung by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 21 August 2013; published on 22 August 2013; revised
Location: Bayfield, Colorado, on the trail that starts between 411 and 421 W. North Street, near the  Bayfield Town Hall, and runs north to Route 160.

    • Globe of Light Visualization, Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
    • Postscript: A Song about Death
      • Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Sung by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Words

Dear Ones,

This video is about death, reincarnation, Awareness, the Golden Orb Visualization, and the song “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.” After the video is an edited Summary …



Hi, everyone, it’s Alice.

This video is about death. I have a couple of thoughts about death. I might be rained out. I can hear the thunder. I was just walking along, and I found a really good place to sit here. [Shows widening of a quiet stream in a forest setting.] Nice!

Death! I was thinking: Every great minor cycle of humanity takes about 26,000 years. If we have been around for 26,000 years, off and on … reincarnating and dying and reincarnating … I think that is about 1,000 times, passing and coming back again, in just one 26,000-year cycle.

And I am wondering why I am not that good at it, considering how much practice I must have had. I was also thinking that, in this Western society, death is kind of like when you have a house, and it is a far piece from the railroad track, but every once in a while you can hear the whistle of the train tooting and the train going by.

When you live there, after the first time or two, just like after the first time we experience death in this lifetime … say, the death of a pet, or the death of a family member or friend … in the same way as with that railroad whistle, we stop noticing after awhile, and in the back of our minds, in the subconscious mind, we may hear the whistle and wonder: Wow, I wonder who is taking off this time! I am not on that train, but one day I will be on it.

But in our conscious minds we are thinking about work, or dinner … something else. We do not give death a whole lot of thought. And so I had an idea to prepare for death. Fortunately this idea also works to prepare for a happier life; so I thought I would tell you about it. It is what you might call a visualization.

. . . . .

Globe of Light Visualization
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
21 August 2013

About a foot over your head is a globe of golden Light. That is where your 9th chakra (the second of your transpersonal chakras) is, and the hub of the subtle body we call the Soul or Atma

What you do is, you imagine that globe of golden Light a foot over your head; visualize it. And place your Awareness there, a foot over your head.

Then imagine that the golden Light from that globe is flowing down through your physical body, all the way down to the ground, and glowing all around you.

Keep your Awareness up there, about a foot above your head, but feel the Light flowing all around your body, all around your skin, inside your body, all the way to your feet.

If I do that once a day, what I find is that I stopped worrying so much about my physical embodiment, and that I started realizing that my true nature lay in my Awareness; not in my brain, not in my body, but in my Awareness.

My thought is that not only will this help in day-to-day stressful situations, but that the ultimate test is the experience of passing from physical form. When we get near to passing, if we have that tool, that tool of knowing what we really are, then it will not be much of a scary experience … Do you not think?

It would be more like a float down the stream. It would be more like getting on that train and going to some resort town to take a little vacation, and then come back to the ‘hard knocks’. [laughs]

That is it! Love you a lot! Talk to you later.

Postscript: A Song About Death

I was just sitting on those rocks a minute ago, talking …

Image: “Wide, Quiet Stream in a Forest, and Rocks by the Shore, Bayfield, Colorado,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 August 2013, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Wide, Quiet Stream in a Forest, and Rocks by the Shore, Bayfield, Colorado,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 August 2013, CC BY-SA 4.0

… and look, now I am not there. I am someplace else. It sure looks beautiful here anyway. I am sitting on the bench, to tell the truth. I thought I would sing you one chorus of a song (1) from my childhood. It goes like this …

. . . . .

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Sung by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
21 August 2013


Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home.   (x6)

I looked over Jordan, and what did I see,
Coming for to carry me home?
A band of angels, coming after me,
Coming for to carry me home.

Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home.   (x2)

Image: “Bench with Hat on It in a Forest Meadow, Bayfield, Colorado,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 August 2013, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Bench with Hat on It in a Forest Meadow, Bayfield, Colorado,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 August 2013, CC BY-SA 4.0

What is home anyway?

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


(1) According to the National Park Service, as of  22 December 2016, “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” is public domain. See … ..


–from Link: “Death: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” sung by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 21 August 2013; published on 22 August 2013; revised … ..

Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..

