Activation of Light: Industries, Corporations and Companies . by the Hathors, through Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 3 February 2015; published on 4 February 2015; transcribed and revised on 8 October 2018

    • Activation of Light: Industries, Corporations and Companies, by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,

Here is a Hathor activation of Light for industries, corporations and companies. There is an edited Summary after the video.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

I have an Activation of Light for you. It has to do with companies and corporations and industries, all over the world. And in 5D anyone can become an owner of any of these, as a Company of Light, a Corporation of Light, or an Industry of Light.

I will give an example for you like this …

‘Spirit to Team!
I own the daily news, as an industry of Light!  

For the All, through Free Will!

And here is another one …

‘Spirit to Team!
I own Exxon, as a corporation of Light!  

For the All, through Free Will!

Here are generic versions of this Activation of Light …

. . . . .

Activation of Light: Industries, Corporations and Companies
by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett
3 February 2015

‘Spirit to Team!
I own _____ , an Industry of Light!   
[name whatever industry you like]

For the All, through Free Will!

‘Spirit to Team!
‘I own _____ , a Corporation of Light!   [name whatever corporation you like]
For the All, through Free Will!

. . . . .

As you may recall, activations of Light are photonic. Any number of photons can occupy the same place. So any number of people can own the same corporation of Light, individually and independently.

All right then! So, if you like this activation, all you have to do is to pick an industry, a corporation, or a company, and become that! Own that, as an industry, a company, or a corporation of Light. Ok?

We can transform the world, you bet!

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Image: “Sunlight,” by Alice B. Clagett, 4 February 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Sunlight,” by Alice B. Clagett, 4 February 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0


–from Link: “Activation of Light: Industries, Corporations and Companies,” by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 3 February 2015; published on 4 February 2015; transcribed and revised on 8 October 2018 … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..

