Category Archives: Stories and Skits

A Preincarnate Vision: Would You Like to Be Born? . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 13 November 2013; revised and republished on 5 June 2017

by Alice B. Clagett

I can see it now, me, preincarnate, and my guides, are having a very important, albeit brief, talk …

Guides: So, our understanding is, you would like to experience the extreme divergence from the All … incarnation in physical form?

Me: Yes, definitely. It sounds completely intriguing.

Guides: You do know that, once in physical form for a short while, you will very likely come to believe yourself separate from the One?

Me: (Surely not me! Impossible) What an amazing possibility! You can count on me.

Guides: We feel it important to let you know that some volunteers find incarnation so difficult that they abort the mission after a few ‘months’.

Me: (I wonder what a ‘month’ will feel like.) Nevertheless, I would like to incarnate.

Guides: Alice, you’re a brave being. Know that we love you very much….

. . . . .

–from Link: “Schadenfreude and the ‘Bow Down to Me’ 3-Part Football Play,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 13 November 2013; revised and republished on 5 June 2017 … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


Out of the Fog and Out of the Box . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 2 June 2015; revised


Dear Ones,


Image: A man in a white shirt, looking through a translucent window. His hands are on the glass … ..

I was just there! Then I proclaimed:
My mind to the Mind of God!

My gosh, this has been happening over and over again!
Dark night of the Soul! Déjà vu!
Then, the flash of illumination!


Image: Young man wearing a business suit and tie, bent over in a cramped white cube … ..

I really dislike wearing suits!
And mental boxes!
And 9 to 5!
I’m changing to a more spacious box!
Or maybe NO box! Yeah, the Void!


Image: A person in a museum, watching light dancing on a wall … BROKEN LINK

My hologram!
What will I view today?!


Video: “Reservoir by Broken Box Mime Theatre. 29 August 2012 … ..

Why mope, my dear personality?
Just switch timelines, my gosh!

. . . . .

–from Link: “Out of the Fog and Out of the Box,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 2 June 2015; revised … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


Stories by Alice: The Orion Crusaders and the Double Oh Seven Mental Filter . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 22 July 2015; revised on 29 November 2018
Previously titled: Double Oh Seven Mental Filter

    • Activation of Light: Runes of Gold and White, by the Hathors, through Alice B. Clagett
    • The Orion Crusaders’ Song, Soundtrack and Lyrics, Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
    • The Kama Rupa: Cunning Beast in Human Form

Video: “James Bond 007 Theme Tune (original),” by ThemeTunez, 10 December 2007 … ..

Dear Ones,


The Orion Crusaders are a pretty crafty lot. They knew, when they lied their way through to Planet Earth, that they were entering a Free Will Zone. They also knew they wanted to turn the minds of humankind from Service to Others, and the Law of the One, and the knowledge of the All, the one great Creation, to their own philosophy.

Which is, Service to Self. Bow to my Ego. Or else!

Question was, what was the very best way to manipulate these pretty gullible humans? So, being 4D, astral beings, they thought about it plenty. And what they came up with was this: Offer them something that they want. Then when these humans, of their own free will, agree, Give them the software they want, and load their minds down with Orion Crusader malware.

Worked like a charm! … In fact, it was a charm. But not the kind you put on your bracelet. More like a voodoo, oooh no!, Dark City Planet Earth charm. I get a vision like this …


Here is the Orion Crusader on the left. We call him, justly or unjustly, a ‘devil’…. He is a being of deep, dark, fiery red and black. And on the right, a human being, glowing in gold and white, innocent light.

The human, a male, would like his wife to sleep with him more often. His wife is busy taking care of the children, and she is pretty tired at night.  The husband works all day, tending the fields, so the family can have plenty to eat in the wintertime. He is tired at the end of the day too, and he would just like to have a little fun, a little enjoyment with his wife before going to sleep.

That is the trouble…. They are having a disagreement about frequency of the exchange of love. And here, now the husband finds himself in much bigger trouble. For instead of talking this over with his wife, he has called in a third party. And not just his trusted neighbor, nope! He has called on this sneaky peeky Orion Crusader.

So to get back to the tableau: Orion Crusader on the left, red and black. Human male on the right, gold and white. The human explains the situation.

The Orion Crusader says: I have just the thing for you!
Human male … I will call him George … says: Oh, thank you!


The Orion Crusader consults Intelligent Infinity, which he has accessed through long and patient study of black magic lore. Programs the body elemental of the man’s sexual organs to repeat over and over again ‘gimme, gimme, let’s do it tonight’. The man could have programmed his own body elemental, but he did not know that. And the Orion Crusader knows the man is missing this crucial bit of information.

The man, quite naturally, begins to feel uncontrollable lust. When he is with his wife, this body elemental’s energy is projected onto the body elemental of her sexual organs, and … just as promised … they begin to have sex more often. And more children. And more work for both of them… but that is a topic for another day …

So now, the deal is sealed. The Orion Crusader has fulfilled his promise, and given the man … albeit unconsciously … ‘power over’ his wife, who is also unconscious of what is going on.


Here is the kicker: Once we buy into an Orion Crusader deal, they get to add the malware, or ‘implants’. (1) It takes the Crusader a lot of effort, enslaving the local nature spirits and forcing them to do his bidding as the man lies sleeping at night. But within a week, the man’s once-gold-and-white Soul field is peppered with gloms and globs of red and black ‘runes’.

This is but one pattern of runes … There are many other sorts of distortion of our Light to which acceded, albeit in ignorance of the outcome, through our own free will during our many incarnations on Planet Earth.


These distortions of our Soul Light pass with us from incarnation to incarnation in the form of karmic ‘seeds’ … what the ancients of India called ‘samskaras’.


Now ‘runes’ are words that the Crusader uses to access intelligent infinity. We humans create runes too, when we pray, but these prayers to our Creator are runes of gold and white on our Soul field. Very beautiful runes. To change our runes from red and black to gold and white, all we have to do is to say the following affirmation or prayer …

. . . . .

Activation of Light: Runes of Gold and White
by the Hathors, through Alice B. Clagett
22 July 2015

Spirit to Team!
Transform all runes on my Soul field
From red and black, to gold and white!
For the All, through Free Will!

. . . . .

This activation of Light acts as a spell of counter-transformation, in case you feel you need it.


To get back to George, oh my gosh, poor guy, here he is, singing the Crusader’s song …

. . . . .

The Orion Crusaders’ Song
Soundtrack and Lyrics
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
22 July 2015


Oh, I’m a man of power!
I’m the man of the hour!
I’ll crush ’em, devour ’em,
For sure, put an end to ’em,
Plunder the kingdoms,
Have my way with the women,
I’m a Man! … And that’s my dominion.

. . . . .

Sheesh, how mistaken can a person be!

So down through the ages of humankind’s history, this Orion Crusader malware has taken hold of men, in the region aforementioned. Today it is pretty widespread among men. I’d even venture to say, pretty much universal. I call it the Double Oh Seven Mental Filter.


The mystique here is the notion that a man has Power. Power to protect his wife and family. Power to go out and subdue the world. Power to turn other people to his own ends.

So in short, for a very good reason … to protect his wife and family, which is one of his responsibilities as a man … he has bought into Service to Self with regard to everyone else in the world. His notion of the great All, the one great Creation, has been reduced to his own family. Everybody else is his to subdue and dominate.

In this way, the Hathor teachings of ancient Egypt were overthrown by the priestly caste. Same thing happened in ancient South America … a benevolent technology gifted humankind by our star brethren was turned by those in power to fear, to human sacrifice … specifically, sacrifice of the nubile, powerless young daughters of the poor. Followed, as I have read, by a great famine and the end of that civilization.

And the same is happening today with the great technology of America. It is being turned to corporate greed and self-serving ends, instead of being used for the upliftment and betterment of humankind.

Unfortunately, the ‘Double Oh Seven Mental Filter’ causes men in the world today to use their great power of Spirit to participate in the Devolution of Souls on Earth.


What happens when a Soul devolves? This is a pretty gruesome event, which fortunately very seldom actually transpires. For there is a difference between our setting out in the direction of Soul devolution, and the actual point of no return.

According to the School of Theosophy, the ‘silver thread’ or ‘silver cord’ (aka the central vertical power current, pranic tube, antahkarana, or kundalini) that links the Lower Mental Body to the Higher Mental Body snaps, and the personal self separates from the higher ego. Having lost its connection to the Soul, this personal self is doomed. It is but a decaying shell of energy.

The Kama Rupa: Cunning Beast in Human Form. If this rupture of the silver cord happens when a person is incarnate, then all that remain of the personality is the kama rupa and its animal desires. The brute that then remains, disguised as a human form, and still possessing the lower mind (the Lower Mental Body) is a cunning and fearful beast of prey in human form. All notions of right and wrong, of truth, and of loving kindness have been sundered from this human-seeming form. (2)

This is most assuredly an undesirable outcome for a human Soul. And so, I reflect: Do my actions in the world today lead my Soul toward the wisdom and love of God? Do they lead others by example, and by action, in this direction? Or do they participate in Soul devolution, in leading my own Soul, and the Souls of others, back into the pit of Darkness, of ignorance, and of suffering? This is food for thought.


The concepts of Soul evolution and Soul devolution are little discussed today.  In fact, the notion that we each of us have a Soul, and that the purpose of our life here on Earth is to learn our Soul lessons so that our Souls can evolve toward awareness of the All, of the great Creator, has been set aside.

In its place are the laws of Science and Technology. Which are great gifts from God, and surely intended for the easement of earthly life. But what about after we pass on? What good are handhelds and cell phones then?

After we pass on, we get back to an understanding of the true purpose of our life on Earth. And that is: Soul evolution. As you all no doubt know, our entire past life flashes before our lives.

Slows down when we get to the part about the Orion Crusader. Uh oh! That was a mistake!

Slows down again when we get the the part about destroying lots of people, inflicting Soul wounding right and left, promoting Soul devolution all over Earth … for the sake of our wife and children. Uh oh! Big mistake. I’ll do better next time!

And so it goes. For the power of the Logos … the great rational principle that governs and develops our Universe, and which became incarnate in the teachings of Jesus the Christ … is so great that it, slowly but surely, and down through our many incarnations, brings us back to the wisdom and love of the great All, and of our Creator.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


(1) For more on implants, see …

Link: “Starseed and Royalty Survival: How To Recognize Implants And Tags, by In5D, 8 March 2015 … ..

Image: Implants … ..

Link:  “Archontic Implant Removal,”  by Kim Hutchinson … ..

(2) For more on Soul devolution, see …

Link: “The Seven Principles of Man,” by Annie Besant, 1909, public domain ..


Orion Crusaders and the All … LInk: “The Law of One: The Ra Material” … ..


–from Link: “Stories by Alice: The Orion Crusaders and the Double Oh Seven Mental Filter,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 22 July 2015; revised on 29 November 2018 … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


X-Flare Blues: Where’s That User Manual on Total Lack of Empathy? . by Alice B. Clagett

Published on 13 March 2015; revised
Previously entitled “Where’s That User Manual on Total Lack of Empathy? … by Alice”

    • Vision of a Person ‘Picking My Brain’
    • Activation of Light for Regeneration of Bothersome Astral Folks, from the Hathors, through Alice B. Clagett
    • Cognitive Dissonance Regarding Personal Power
    • Perfectly Empowered You

Dear Ones,


  • Lack of compassion! …
  • Raiding other folks’ auras to ‘gain access to their spaceships’
  • Inserting other folks’ Soul fragments containing Soul qualities considered undesirable into the Soul field of a person ‘outside’ one’s group …
  • Sabotaging women’s energy fields so they cannot compete with men …
  • Reprogramming other people’s gut brains to negative energy while they sleep, so as to satiate the primitive drives of roving male astral groups …

Good Lord, dudes! Where is all that at?

What is this ‘group’ mental filter? This ‘I can do anything to you if you are not a member of my group’ thing?

This ‘you are my car’ ‘you are my valise’ concept that men have about women? This ‘I will get in that car and drive her’ thing?

Video: “Miley Cyrus Smuggled Into Amsterdam In Suitcase MTV EMA Europe Music Awards Ad,” by Darnell Revis, 19 October 2013 … … about a woman smuggled onto an airline in a suitcase ..

What is this I’ve got the money, you have got none’ thing?

Where is that user manual for folks who arrived on an unconditional love planet with a desire not to experience compassion. not to have empathy …

I do not know, but I have heard it said by spiritual counselor Jeffrey Allen … … that anything I find inside my aura is mine to reprogram…. advice that I have used very successfully with ‘endlessly looping tape player’ implants from the ‘you know what’ realm …

Vision of a Person ‘Picking My Brain’

So this morning when I woke up with a man’s astral head inserted inside my astral head … which took the term ‘picking her brain’ to a whole new level … and when I found he was determined not to exit this undignified position, I asked my Ascension team what to do …

His astral form was butting about inside my head hollering to get out. Said I was a spaceship docking station. Said he had to contact my spaceship. He wanted to control my spaceship. There might be money in it.

So I went to my meditation room and sat, and spoke this activation of light …

. . . . .

Activation of Light for Regeneration of Bothersome Astral Folks
from the Hathors, through Alice B. Clagett
13 March 2015

Spirit to Team!
Regeneration chamber for this entity,
If Soul purpose permits!

For the All, through Free Will!

. . . . .

Vision of a Person ‘Picking My Brain’ (continued)

So then, as I sat, I could feel this person’s astral form bumping and hollering along, slowly passing down from my head, through my pranic column, and exiting … you guessed it! … that portion of my anatomy at the bottom of the physical form.

Dudes! Here is the deal. A lot of really weird things happen to the mental mind during solar events. We have been having M class flares, and one X class flare all week. So the unexpectable, in terms of perception by the physical senses, is to be expected…. Case in point, what happened this morning.


Just to set the record straight …

EVERY HUMAN BEING is a docking station.

EVERY HUMAN BEING has lots of spaceships helping it out.

NO PHYSICAL OR ASTRAL ENERGY can board or commandeer a spaceship.

SPACESHIPS HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN. They are their own great selves. So if you board them, you are in them. If you get what I mean. And you cannot board them without refining your awareness to 5D or higher. This is because the spaceships themselves are 5D or higher.

EVERY HUMAN BEING has an Ascension Team of 5000 … and this includes Spaceship Beings … ready and willing to assist with Ascension. Through your Team you will access your true power as a human being.

So call upon your Team … Make it several times a day. Develop a relationship. The most rewarding relationship of your physical existence on Earth is going to be your relationship with your Ascension Team. This I guarantee you to be true. Go ahead and give it a test drive.

Cognitive Dissonance Regarding Personal Power

You are not that powerless dude …

  • Who has to raid other people for money …
  • Who has to enslave women …
  • Who needs to own a harem …
  • Who needs to subjugate and eliminate other men …
  • Who will have a shipwreck if he feels his heart …

Perfectly Empowered You

You exist in the power and majesty of your own eternally shining, eternally bright Soul. All the rest is fiction.

In love, light and joy,
and complete and utter frustration,
I Am of the Stars

–from Link: “X-Flare Blues: Where’s That User Manual on Total Lack of Empathy?” . by Alice B. Clagett, published on 13 March 2015; revised … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


Stephen and the New Bicycle . a Story by Alice B. Clagett

Written an published on 5 March 2013

Dear Ones,

I am reminded of the time in my youth when I received a 2-wheel bike as a birthday present. It was my heart’s greatest dream come true. But try as I might, I couldn’t figure out how to keep my balance. Then Stephen came to visit. He was 6 ½ years old – 6 months older than me. Incredibly worldly wise and experienced. My idol.

Now I lived out in the country, and the only place to practice bike balance was on my family’s gravel driveway. So Stephen and I went out on the driveway. I got on the bike. I could not quite reach the ground with my feet while sitting on the bike seat, so I had to stand off the seat to get one foot on a pedal, and the other foot on the ground. This lack of a seat made the venture seem utterly precarious.

Stephen said I should start pedaling. He would hold the bike steady from behind, so I could keep my balance. I started pedaling. I was comforted to hear him running behind me. He said, “Pedal faster!” So I did.

The wind was whipping through my hair. I felt a sense of wild exhilaration. Then I realized I could not hear Stephen running beside me anymore. I looked back, and there he was, 100 yards behind me, grinning and waving.

Unfortunately, the act of turning my head unbalanced me, and I toppled off the bike. But ever since that day, I was able to balance and ride on my beautiful new bike.

I think it is like that with our Christed star brethren – they’re helping us hone our Ascension Skills. Once we get our balance, they’ll be smiling and waving us on.

–from Link: “Stephen and the new Bicycle,” a story by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 5 March 2013 … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


Thoughts on My Spiritual Name: Dharm Darshan Kaur Khalsa . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 3 October 2015; published on 7 October 2015; transcribed on 20 January 2019

    • The Gurmukhi Word Dharm
    • The Gurmukhi Word Darshan
    • The Gurmukhi Word Kaur
    • The Gurmukhi Word Khalsa

Dear Ones,

Here are thoughts on my long-ago spiritual name, Dharm Darshan Kaur Khalsa. There is a Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I have some thoughts on my old spiritual name, that I used to go by, which was in an Indian dialect known as Gurmukhi [which means ‘the guru’s mouth]. The words were: Dharm Darshan Kaur Khalsa … And the words had these meanings (taking them one by one) …

The Gurmukhi Word Dharm

Dharm is an abbreviation for the word Dharma … which is the opposite of karma.

Although I usually do not go by that name anymore, I think about it a lot of times. And the first thing that I contemplate on is the word: Dharma. You know, it is an interesting concept, that right action in the world … dharma … action aligned with the will of God … be it ever so small … can cut the knots of karma, which are the unconscious ‘raveling up together’ of our electromagnetic fields.

Judicious, neutral-minded, compassionate, correct action in the world … dharma … be it ever so slight, can loose the knot of karma. A pretty interesting notion from Ancient India that is, is it not?

So the question is: How to arrive at that neutral mind? And how to arrive at that dispassionate compassion? … so as to wield the Sword of Dharma, to cut the Knot of Karma! [laughs]. That is the first word.

The Gurmukhi Word Darshan

The second word in my spiritual name is Darshan. And that word means ‘sitting at the feet of a spiritual teacher, and paying rapt attention … being completely devout to that spiritual teacher’.  And in the old days, I used to do that: I used to sit at the feet of a spiritual teacher, and absorb all the Soul knowledge and energy that I could, from that teacher. And in that way, my own Soul knowledge and my own energy were uplifted.

Up to a point, that works exceedingly well: To pay darshan … to sit in darshan with someone whose energy is very high.

And then there came a point, that I cannot quite pinpoint, in my life, when I began to align solely with the Heart and Mind and Will of God … directly with the Divine. And yet, because of my prior training, I still think of it as darshan. You know? I still think that I am raptly devoted to God.

So that is my path: My path is one of rapture and devotion.

The Gurmukhi Word Kaur

My third spiritual name, kaur. For the people of that particular learning path, at the time, all the women got the name kaur. And kaur means ‘princess’. And so, from that ‘middle name’ I got the notion that women have a right to be treated with great respect, as nurturing principles and mothers of all humankind … Teachers, uplifters, inspirers … Women have a great job to do on Earth.

All the men in that tradition, the American Sikh tradition, had the middle name singh. And that name meant ‘lion’. That meant the courage to protect the innocent and the meek. That is a pretty good name too, do you not think?

So … two names, one for the Divine Feminine: Princess! And one for the Divine Masculine: Lion … Great Courage!

The Gurmukhi Word Khalsa

And then, in that old tradition, the last name was khalsa. That word means ‘society of the pure ones’. And what does that word mean, to me? It means to me, to tread that path of chastity, purity of intention, what so few people even conceive … much less attempt to accomplish in their lifetime.

That is my thought for this lifetime: To be in the congregation of the holy, and in the society of the pure ones.

It is kind of funny, because, during the Ascension process … this clearing process that is taking place … I am encountering so much Dark energy … so much what you might call ‘impure’ energy. Peggy Black … … says, from time to time … we are running into all these dark emotions. I figure, she says (and I paraphrase), it is only 5 percent me, and it is 95 percent lots of other people that are clearing. So she looks on it as a holy duty, to purify and uplift the world. And I agree. I appreciate that quality in Peggy Black, and I agree completely to it.


God bless you all! Love you lots.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

This blog has been added here … Link: “Compendium: My Childhood and Family, and Later Years,” by Alice B. Clagett, compiled and published on 21 March 2020; republished on 29 March 2020 … ..

–from Link: “Thoughts on My Spiritual Name: Dharm Darshan Kaur Khalsa,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 3 October 2015; published on 7 October 2015; transcribed on 20 January 2019 … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


"The World Is Too Much with Us" . a poem by William Wordsworth . read by Alice B. Clagett

Published on 17 March 2014; revised and republished on 19 February 2018

    • Story by Alice: My High School Latin Teacher
    • The World Is Too Much With Us, by William Wordsworth

Dear Ones,

Here is a poem about escaping the humdrum of the day to day and enjoying the beauty of Nature and the wonders of our imagination. The text of the poem is in the Summary that follows the video …



Dear Ones,

Story by Alice: My High School Latin Teacher

When I woke up this morning, suddenly popped into my mind a poem that I learned when I was young … I remember my Latin teacher in high school. I remember her very well, because she carried a little stick, or wand, with her. She would swish it through the air, when we said something that she did not like. And she would rap it on the desk, if she really did not like it. She always made me think: Maybe she’ll hit me too! … although that was probably against the school rules. [laughs]

One of the things she did, besides teaching us Latin, was to teach us this particular poem. She felt it was so important to us, that she made us memorize it, and then recite it, every time we came to class.

These days I do not totally remember it, but I do remember how important it is. It is a poem by William Wordsworth … a very short poem … and it is about how we can get caught up in the day to day … the everyday routine of our lives … and what we want to get, and what we want to have … and what we want to do. And how these activities … like mental activities … like kind of a cage we get ourselves into … can prevent us from seeing the immense beauty of the natural world.

I am not so good I can recite it by memory, so I am going to read it off the internet. Maybe you can read it in my eyeglasses too [laughs], because it is reflected there. It has some big words in it … for those of you that are younger. So here goes …

“The World Is Too Much With Us” 
by William Wordsworth

“The world is too much with us; late and soon,
“Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;—
“Little we see in Nature that is ours;
“We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
“This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon;
“The winds that will be howling at all hours,
“And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers;
“For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
“It moves us not. Great God! I’d rather be
“A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
“So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
“Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
“Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
“Or hear old Triton blow his wreathèd horn.”

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

This blog has been added here … Link: “Compendium: My Childhood and Family, and Later Years,” by Alice B. Clagett, compiled and published on 21 March 2020; republished on 29 March 2020 … ..


boon … blessing, gift
bosom … chest
upgathered now … right now, the winds have quieted down
suckled in a creed outworn … brought up in a Pagan religion
… grassy, open area
Proteus … Greek mythology: god of rivers and oceans
Triton … Greek mythology: messenger of the waves and also of calm seas


–from Link: “The World Is Too Much with Us,” a poem by William Wordsworth, read by Alice B. Clagett, published on 17 March 2014; revised and republished on 19 February 2018 … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..