White Tantra to Stabilize Our Electromagnetic Field . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed and published on 20 January 2015; revised and reposted

    • Introduction
    • If You Have No Tantric Partner
    • Directions
    • Duration
    • Benefits
    • Conclusion

Dear Ones,

Here is a short white tantric exercise I just now channeled to help stabilize the body’s electromagnetic field (EMF) during ascension. It will also power up the heart energy.

A chant is included. In the main part of the video, there is a version of the chant for folks that believe in God, and at the end of the video, there is a version for folks who don’t.

An edited Summary follows the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.


I channeled a tantric exercise today, for moments when we feel that our energy field … our electromagnetic field … is getting out of hand. It works very well with couples. It can work with two men, two women, or a man and a woman, as long as they’ve reached the age of puberty.

If You Have No Tantric Partner

If you have no person to do this tantric exercise with, you can do it facing, say, a statue of the Virgin Mary, or a picture of Christ, or a statue of the Buddha, or even a candle flame. Or a flower. Or a leaf. Anything that gives you inspiration … A beautiful picture of Earth … Anything. So, you can use that image … that uplifting image … as your tantric partner.


Now here is what to do. It’s very simple. It is a lot of fun too … But you must follow directions; it is very important to follow the directions …

  • So, you are sitting up straight … say, on a dining room chair … and across from you  … very close, with your knees close, but not touching, is your tantric partner.
  • Your hands are on your knees, palms down. And your spine is erect; but your muscles are very relaxed.
  • First, inhale completely. Then, exhale completely.  (x3)
  • And now a prayer, with hands palms together, fingertips up, in prayer pose:
    May only the very highest energy be channeled through this tantric exercise.
    May I recognize my own energy field as the majestic, self-contained energy field that it truly is.
  • Now, put your hands back on your knees.
  • You must look your tantric partner directly in the eye. Do your very best not to blink. But if you do blink, just open your eyes again, and look steadily at your partner.
  • Now, this is the last thing: Feel your physical heart. You’re still looking directly at your partner … Try not to blink.
  • So the chant is like this … You’re each chanting together …
    God bless me!   [over and over again]

    • One more thing: Let’s say, you have no image of God, whatsoever. Then … let me think … Take an image from the natural world, and as you chant, instead of saying: God bless me! … Say: I love my heart! … Everybody has a good heart. If you have no religion; if you prefer it like that, then just say: I love my heart!  instead.
  • When you  have finished, you look your partner in the eye; think of the very highest … It might be your own highest self. It might be the image that you have of God or of Christ. And say: Thank you very much!

So it is just like that. Look directly at your partner; or if not your partner, the flower, or the picture, or the statue. Ok? And so, continue …


  • If you have no training in kundalini yoga, or any other kind of yoga or meditation, then do this meditation for only one minute! This is a very powerful exercise.
  • If you’ve tried it a few times, then do it for three minutes. 
  • If you have experience, you can do it for 11 minutes maximum.
  • If you’re a very experienced yogi, then you’ll know when to stop … it can be a little longer; maybe 31 minutes … maybe 62 minutes. All right? So… But, everybody else: 1 minute, or 3 minutes; maximum, 11 minutes.
  • Stop if you start to feel even a little bit peculiar.


This is just for your own heart. It is especially good for empaths, both men and women, who find that their heart chakra energy is pulled forward, overbalancing the front funnel of the heart chakra with energy, because of their empathy towards other beings.

This white tantric exercise protects healers against burnout. It brings the heart energy back toward the hridaya … the center point of the heart chakra, between the front and the back funnels of the heart chakra energy; people experience this as the null point, the zero point, or the Void.  It is energetically replenishing; an interlude of quiescent refreshment for the Spirit, for the physical body, and for our many subtle bodies.

With time, practice of this meditation creates the experience of neutral mind, a feeling of silent witnessing; and the Soul wisdom of true compassion.

This meditation works very well in those moments when the energy of ascension gets very strong, and we need to contain it. We need to channel it. And instead of acting out, what we’re doing is, we’re sitting, and we’re consolidating our energy field. Ok?


God bless you all! I hope all works out well!

I hope you like this meditation. I had wonderful fun with it just now.

So, take care! Love you lots!

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

The photos in this video are among those here … Link: “Springtime in Charmlee Wilderness Park,” photos by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 20 January 2015; published on 7 December 2019 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-fow ..


Link: “Twin Flame, Red Tantra, and White Tantra . Power Over, and True Power,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 7 February 2015; revised on 8 October 2018 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-6r6 ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … https://chaliceandcrucible.com/ … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ ..

