Monthly Archives: August 2020

Prayers for Protection Against the Demon Realm . by Alice B. Clagett *

Prayers for Protection Against the Demon Realm

Composite Image Markup: “Watch Out for the Dark Sentinels!” adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 23 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Center front, the author about 8 years of age, wearing a white dress, and wearing black, patent leather Mary Jane shoes; this is a First Communion photo. The girl is facing three-quarters towards the camera, and standing on green grass. There is a golden oval of energy around her; this represents the Body of Light. There is a speech bubble above her head, which says: “May my mind be free and clear of interference.” On either side of her stand giant black lappet-faced vultures, wings partly open, wearing white leggings of feather fluff, and gazing towards her. Above her head soars a turkey vulture … CREDITS: Image: Portrait of me by my late father, Hugh C. Clagett, Sr. … and … Image: “Lappet-Faced Vulture,” by Jerry Pank, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic … Description: “This incredible bird has an average wingspan of 2.8 meters (9.2 feet).” … and … Image: “Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) in Flight, Cuba,” by Charles J. Sharp, 18 February 2016, in English Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Composite Image Markup: “Watch Out for the Dark Sentinels!” adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 23 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Center front, the author about 8 years of age, wearing a white dress, and wearing black, patent leather Mary Jane shoes; this is a First Communion photo. The girl is facing three-quarters towards the camera, and standing on green grass. There is a golden oval of energy around her; this represents the Body of Light. There is a speech bubble above her head, which says: “May my mind be free and clear of interference.” On either side of her stand giant black lappet-faced vultures, wings partly open, wearing white leggings of feather fluff, and gazing towards her. Above her head soars a turkey vulture … CREDITS: Image: Portrait of me by my late father, Hugh C. Clagett, Sr. … and … Image: “Lappet-Faced Vulture,” by Jerry Pank, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic … Description: “This incredible bird has an average wingspan of 2.8 meters (9.2 feet).” … and … Image: “Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) in Flight, Cuba,” by Charles J. Sharp, 18 February 2016, in English Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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    • Prayer for Protection Against the Demon Hordes, channeled by Alice B. Clagett
    • Prayer: When the Animals Come Around, channeled by Alice B. Clagett
    • May the Air Fall Asleep, version 1, a Chant by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Lyrics
    • May the Air Fall Asleep, version 2, a Chant by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Lyrics
    • Prayer for Protection Against Black Magicians and Against the Demon Hordes, channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,

Here are prayers for protection against the demon realm, and against bespellment by black magicians, along with some background information.

First, let me say that Demons are common energies here on Earth. They are here for a reason … to give us choices between right (angel help) and wrong (them). So, I am hoping you will not be too put off by the following.


There is a kind of false twin flame energy that is caused by Demon entanglement. Sometimes Demons will hop onto a man…

Image: “Christian Fights Apollyon,” artist William Strang, at the British Museum, Museum number 1943,1113.278 … ..

In fact, sometimes they will hop onto a man and a woman. Demons are not physical beings; they are just astral beings. They do this ‘hopping on’ thing so they can see the world, through the men and women, with physical eyes. If an attraction exists between a man and a woman, the Demon interference can falsely persuade them that they are twin flames, by ratcheting up the sex drive.

While the torrid romance is going on, most likely on the astral plane only, the Demons get a chance to get to know this would-be romantic duo’s pet peeves. With a little practice, they can use these to flood the romantic duo’s emotional bodies with negative emotions.

Soon thereafter, because of the Demon Interference, the astral romance is very likely to turn to mutual dislike, dismay, fear, even hatred. This is because the Demons pour into their minds negative thought forms. Yet the two may remain astrally corded for years, because of the thoughts of dislike, dismay, hatred and fear that flow between them. You no doubt get the picture! (For more on astral cords … sometimes called ‘psychic cords’, see my blog category: Astral bonds — astral cords – psychic cords – psychic bonding )

Incitation to demonic hopping on and ratcheting up of the sex drive I found out is a technique used by black magicians to bring about the downfall of people they dislike. Their hope is to make the man and woman bound down by the spell look like fools in front of friends and acquaintances. The though in the minds of the black magicians is that this will make them look powerful and admirable in the eyes of others.

To find out whether you have been bespelled, and to help figure out what to do about it, see my blog category: Donkey man – human horse – chwal


In warring against Demons, it is important to realize that another human being is not your target. The Demon is your target, in almost every instance. As mentioned above, Demons pal around with humans willy-nilly, just like that! In the flash of an eye, they hop on!

So you have to be a skilled marksman; a ‘crack shot’, a ‘sharpshooter’ … Aim your words with utmost care at the Demon and not the person onto whom they hopped.

Here are words that worked for me last night. They are pretty harsh, so take a care not to develop hardness of heart in speaking them …

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“Prayer for Protection Against the Demon Hordes”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
18 August 2015

Dear God, please protect me from these beings!
Judge them, and offer them consignment
to that part of this Universe suitable to them.

When you say this prayer, it may help to visualize the Demon or Demons on the person, and address your request to your Celestial Ascension Team, asking them to forward the prayer to God.

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This prayer and visualization work very well after waking up from a quartz crystal night, to clear these interfering energies from your own energy bodies …

Link: “Quartz Crystals for Protection as We Sleep,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 August 2015 … ..

… as the Demons that might like to pal around with you (I am quite sure the feeling is not mutual!) are weakened by leaving quartz crystals on the chakras all night long, and might like to replenish their strength through your energy field.

You can also say or sing, concentrating on the air around you: May the air fall asleep! Here are several soundtracks for that (which were published in some of my prior blogs) …

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“Prayer: When the Animals Come Around”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
13 October 2015


When the animals come around, say:
“May the air fall asleep!”

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“May the Air Fall Asleep, version 1″
A Chant by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Lyrics
25 January 2016


May the air fall asleep. (x4)

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“May the Air Fall Asleep, version 2″
A Chant by Alice B.  Clagett
Soundtrack and Lyrics
28 July 2017


May the air fall asleep!   (x3, singing very quietly and slowly)

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Black magicians are bound to Demons by many contracts, as it is from the Demon World that they get their special occult abilities and knowledge.

These humans who are bound to the Demon Realm consciously use the ‘False Twin Flame’ Demon setup to increase their power in the world. In recent years, and perhaps priorly, they have been tying one of their ranks to an ascending person to impede that person’s ascent. My feeling is, if you sense black magicians around you, go ahead and give them ‘what for’, like this …

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“Prayer for Protection Against the Black Magicians and Against the Demon Hordes”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
18 August 2015

Dear God, please protect me from these beings!
Judge them. If possible clear them,
or else offer them consignment
to that part of this Universe suitable to them.

When you do this, first visualize black magicians in human form.
Next visualize them as astral beings, and speak these words again.
And last, visualize the Demons around them, and speak these words …

Dear God, please protect me from these beings!
Judge them, and offer them consignment
to that part of this Universe suitable to them.

. . . . .

I know this sounds harsh, but here is the trouble: Black magicians are using all their occult knowledge to bind their energies so thoroughly to ascending persons that our Ascension Teams cannot disentangle the Dark energies from ours, so as to give them ‘what for’.


Essentially, black magicians are ‘hiding out’ in the energy field of ascending humans. In my case they have done this by transferring a little astral matter from three black magicians into my astral field, hoping to create an ‘anchor’ to ‘blend’ their astral matter with mine.

To further their power, they will first bind one person to themselves through the False Twin Flame ploy. Then they will bind a person of the opposite sex to themselves through a same-gender sexual act. At this point both False Twin Flamers are bound to Demons, because the black magicians are bound to Demons.

Then, so as to further his range of Demonic influence on humankind, a black magicians will rope these two demonized False Twin Flamers to each other, with one as the power-over antagonist of the other. So the Light of each unwitting inductee will continue to be dampened by the Demons, and the black magicians’ demonic reach will include both of them.

Then the black magicians will do this again, and so, double his Dark network, sending each new pair of inductees out into the world so as to increase his territory geographically. And so on. It will end up being a funnel-shaped, geographically dispersed arrangement, like this …

Prayers for Protection Against the Demon Realm

Drawing: “Chart: Dark Network Energy Flow from Satan to Black Magician to ‘False Twin Flame’ Pairs and Their Family and Friends,” by Alice B. Clagett, 15 May 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth” … DESCRIPTION: At the top of the drawing is the word ‘Satan’; beneath that a vertical bar; beneath that the words ‘Black Magician’ and beneath that a horizontal arrow with the tip to the right. To that arrow are appended four vertical bars. Beneath each of these bars are pairs of letters: ‘A/B’ beneath the first bar; ‘C/D’ beneath the second; ‘E/F’ beneath the third; and ‘G/H’ beneath the fourth; with the presumption that more pairs of letters might be added to the right of the arrow. Beneath the letter pair ‘G/H’ is another horizontal arrow with the tip to the right. To that arrow are appended three vertical bars. Beneath each of these are pairs of letters: ‘G1/H1’ beneath the first bar; ‘G2/H2’ beneath the second; and ‘G3/H3’ beneath the third; with the presumption that more pairs of letters might be added to the right of the arrow. KEY: A/B, C/D, E/F, and G/H represent False Twin Flame pairs. G1/H1, G2/H2, and G3/H3 represent how the dark network energy flows on to family and friends of the pair G/H.

Drawing: “Chart: Dark Network Energy Flow from Satan to Black Magician to ‘False Twin Flame’ Pairs and Their Family and Friends,” by Alice B. Clagett, 15 May 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth” …

DESCRIPTION: At the top of the drawing is the word ‘Satan’; beneath that a vertical bar; beneath that the words ‘Black Magician’ and beneath that a horizontal arrow with the tip to the right. To that arrow are appended four vertical bars. Beneath each of these bars are pairs of letters: ‘A/B’ beneath the first bar; ‘C/D’ beneath the second; ‘E/F’ beneath the third; and ‘G/H’ beneath the fourth; with the presumption that more pairs of letters might be added to the right of the arrow. Beneath the letter pair ‘G/H’ is another horizontal arrow with the tip to the right. To that arrow are appended three vertical bars. Beneath each of these are pairs of letters: ‘G1/H1’ beneath the first bar; ‘G2/H2’ beneath the second; and ‘G3/H3’ beneath the third; with the presumption that more pairs of letters might be added to the right of the arrow.

KEY: A/B, C/D, E/F, and G/H represent False Twin Flame pairs. G1/H1, G2/H2, and G3/H3 represent how the dark network energy flows on to family and friends of the pair G/H.

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Link: “False Ascension Matrix,” in “Ascension Glossary” … ..

This is something you might mention while your Team gives them ‘what for’!


Black magicians (as well as other possessed or obsessed people) switch roles from male to female just like that. You might think of them as neither male nor female; that is, as intersex (third-gender) individuals or hermaphrodites of a negative astral alien species, in a way.

This is not to say that those humans who are intersex individuals are bound to the Demon Realm. This is not at all the case. Rather, intersex individuals are closer to 5D … to our Star Brothers and Sisters … in gender aspect than most people in the world today. (For more on this, see the postscript below.)

Being bound to the Demon Realm requires a contract, or contracts, with Demonry. This has nothing to do with a person’s gender, whether it be male, female, or intersex. Rather, it is a question of surrendering our Free Will to the Dark in return for a favor.


While ‘gender switching’ is a dodge for the black magicians, it ought not be confused with the ‘gender softening’ characteristic of our star brethren. As we ‘beam up’ … or maybe it should be termed ‘beam out’ … dimensionally, we become aware of this mitigation of sexual dimorphism.

Link: “Hermaphrodite,” by Tom Verre … … COMMENT: This is an image of Christ (left) blended with an image of a bearded Virgin Mary (right). The feel of the artwork is gentle; the tones of the clothing are muted red and blue.

To me, the above image by Tom Verre represents the sacredness of the ‘gender softening’ experienced in the higher dimensions.


In the possessed black magicians (as well as in other people who are demonically possessed or obsessed), the Demon Realm uses the intersex mindset simply because most people on Earth overlook it. Their hope is that people attempting to exorcise them may create an escape clause in the words they speak, by ‘mind sliding’ past recognition of the non-gender status of the obsessing Demon.

In the case of a man or woman who is possessed, for example, the exorcist might mistakenly speak of the Demon as ‘he’ when in fact it functions as both ‘he’ and ‘she’, or as neither. If the exorcist misrepresents the ‘non-gender’ status of a possessing Demon, then to the Demon that is a loophole to retain tenancy in the person’s body.

Negatively aspected astral entities can hide out in various ‘genders’ or in an ‘ungendered’ shape just as they can hang out by melding with a human’s energy bodies. Imagine you are dealing with a consummately cunning lawyer with a large personal library of psychic lawbooks at their fingertips.

Thus, the exorcist must take into consideration the non-gender, or atypical gender, or what you might say, ‘motile’ gender role of the possessing or obsessing Demon. The exorcist may find better results by addressing the Demon as neither ‘he’ nor ‘she’ … instead using non-gender words such as ‘it’ or ‘this being’ or ‘them’.


As more and more people awaken to the power-over, Dark stuff that is going on, of course at first anxiety sets in. But pretty soon, everyone realizes that we have many, many tools at our disposal to fight the Dark and shine forth in the Light.

  • We have our own courage and strength in the face of adversity, our own faith, hope and charity, which have been honed by our perseverance in the long age of lesser Light that has just now ended.
  • We have our human friends who stand firmly for the Light … Who refuse to make war on their fellow humankind … Who know, hands down, where the real problem lies.
  • We have our Celestial Ascension Team: beings of Light and love, and Angels. We have God Himself.
  • And we have the Incoming Light, ever streaming down upon Earth with greater and greater beauty, as the Ascension proceeds and Christ consciousness floods into our mother Earth.

So, dear ones, take heart! Know that we are at the door of God’s kingdom. Protect your friends, love all humankind, stand for the Light! Know that all is well!

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 18 August 2015; revised on 15 December 2018 and on 15 May 2023
Previously titled: “False Twin Flames … Demon Warfare … Giving the Illuminati ‘What For'” and “False Twin Flames – Demon Warfare – Illuminati – Exorcism”


–from Link: “Prayers for Protection Against the Demon Realm,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 18 August 2015; revised on 15 December 2018 and on 15 May 2023, ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


Centering the Subconscious within the Physical Body . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 6 June 2013; revised

  • “I Shall Draw Back into My Own Body,” a Song by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Lyrics

Dear Ones,

The Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World, which flows through the first 3 chakras old-style, i.e., the ‘lower triangle’, is a ‘crowd energy’, not an individualized energy … it is like looking at lots of people in a funhouse mirror, which shows the unconscious rather than the conscious noospheric energies …

Oh, yikes! I immediately got a picture something like this …

Video: Madison – Shelly’s stretched faces in fun house mirror, by Shelly Cole, 26 February 2008, ..

Dunno about you, but I want no part of this.

So this morning I woke up, as usual, with the feeling that my subconscious mind had done some heavy-duty merging with the unconscious thought cloud of the world as I slept. My cat was behaving like a tiny tiger. Unaccountable goings on.

I tried, first of all, opening my eyes wide and looking up at the ceiling.

  • Feeling still there! So then I tried those yoga asanas I had learned years ago … sitting up straight, and rotating the trunk of the body, first one way, then the other.
  • Still there! So then I tried rolling the head in figure eights.
  • Still there! So then I tried singing this song to my cat Lucy, and that worked!

“I Shall Draw Back into My Own Body”
A Song by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Lyrics
6 June 2013


I shall draw back into my own body  (x3)
And Lucy shall be Lucy cat.  (x3)

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

PS: Just joshing about Lucy cat. It was the world’s thought cloud I was segregating from.


–from Link: “Centering the Subconscious within the Physical Body,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 6 June 2013; revised … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


A Little Song for Women: I’m So Pretty . by Alice B. Clagett

Composed on 25 April 2013; published on 27 August 2020

  • “I’m So Pretty,” A Song by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Words

Dear Ones,

Here is a little song for women …

“I’m So Pretty”
A Song by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
25 April 2013


I’m so pretty
I’m so pretty
I’m so pretty
I am!

I’m so pretty
I’m so pretty
I’m so pretty
I am!

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

–from Link: “A Little Song for Women: I’m So Pretty,” by Alice B. Clagett, composed on 25 April 2013; published on 27 August 2020 … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


Telepathic Modulation . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 25 April 2013; revised on 24 December 2018

  • BLESSING FOR FREE WILL, channeled by Alice B. Clagett
    • Benefits
    • Background Information
    • Directions
    • Benefits
    • Directions
    • Emotional Body Smoothing: Slow, Deep Breath and Slow Stomach Churning, Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
      • Benefits
      • Directions
    • Emotional Body Smoothing: The “Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh” Breath, channeled by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Words
    • Emotional Body Smoothing: Crooning “Woo-oo-oo-oo-oo,” channeled by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Words

Image: Two women and a man on the phone at the same time … .. 

This picture is from the 1959 movie “Pillow Talk” about two people who share a ‘party’ telephone line and despise each other. I am reminded of how my parents had a party line when I was little. My mom used to say to us, “Now, children, if you pick up the phone and hear someone talking [that would be the other family on our party line], then just put the phone down very gently. Be sure not to listen in! It’s not polite.” Once I picked up, heard a voice, listened to two words, and mom caught me in the act. Never again!

Dear Ones,


This post is about modulating telepathic communication. Maybe a metaphor will help explain this: Let’s say you are a radio, situated in someone’s room. You are playing a radio station you like, and you figure they will like it too. But they are complaining! This music is too loud! I do not like country and western music! Switch to the pop music! And you do not know what to do. You do not know how to turn the radio down.

So that is one situation. And here is another: You are the one sitting in your living room. There is a radio in there … Wonder how it got there? It starts playing C&W. You really prefer pop music, and right now you are in the mood for no music at all. You go to look, and find the radio disappears into thin air the moment you try to turn it off. The minute you turn around, there is that music again.

Now, what to do about the radio? How to turn it down? How to turn it off? That is what I mean by Telepathic Modulation.


Right now, I am in a situation where I am only linking to a few people, and not out of free will. Same thing from their point of view. Now one could look at this as the curse of the ages, or one could think of it as a learning experience … for instance, a chance to learn Telepathic Modulation.

There is going to come a day … in the not-too-distant future … when we are all telepathic and clear in our auras and minds. When that day comes, it will be safe for us to be linked to the crystal grid of Earth, and to the core of Earth. That linkup will give us the ability to communicate telepathically with anyone on Earth. Intuition tells me that there are fail-safes in place … energy thresholds that must be surmounted before we can link with the crystal grid. These fail-safes stop us from getting too much power before we are prepared to use it wisely. So, no worries in that regard, thank goodness.


Judy Satori (1) speaks of a golden age from which Earth fell long ago. During the intervening aeons … a period of about 100,000 years … mankind fell from its inherent greatness to a state resembling that of animals. One aspect of this degradation was a partial return from our true state of individualization (2) to the group consciousness of animals. (3)

As we became less aware, and grew in numbers, the Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World grew in power, and became more influential in our lives. Right now, largely due to urban crowding and the subconscious influence of mass media, the state of humanity is such that most of our actions are influenced by the collective unconscious, as is the case in the animal kingdom.


Image: Man in tuxedo attempting to hypnotize … … DESCRIPTION: There are black and white concentric circles in the background, and he holds up a chain from which swings a disc with black and white concentric circles on it. The caption reads: Estou te hipnotizando

This influence of the collective unconscious is what is preventing us from achieving Telepathic Modulation right now. As a consequence, telepathy is tinged with elements of dominance and submission. (4)

Many call this ‘mind control’ … although this term is surely a misnomer, considering that we humans are not yet fully in control of our own minds, so the notion of controlling other minds is one step removed from the true cause. That true cause being the iron clad grip of the collective unconscious, internalized as the Shadow of the Personality … also termed ‘distortions in our morphogenetic field,’ or ‘ karmic accretions stored in our akashic records,’ about which I have written elsewhere.

So, let’s say we are in the room with the unwanted radio. Seems to us like an attempt at ‘mind control.’ We would like to exercise a little mind control from our end of the situation, and get ‘whoever’ to take the dad-blamed radio away! But no matter how hard we try, with affirmations and imprecations, it does not happen. The radio keeps on reappearing in our living room.

Last night, in the middle of the night, when the Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World was at its power peak … I awoke with a very strong, unwanted navel point corded connection to someone who was fed up with inability to modulate telepathy. Apparently at their wits’ end, not knowing what else to do, this person was attempting to influence the situation through mind control.

Not again! What a nuisance! I placed a heart-felt plea with Spirit …

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Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
25 April 2013

Let there be no more Mind Control anywhere on Earth!
May all beings be free! Powerful!
Able to modulate their telepathic abilities through free will!

. . . . .

I was feeling a state close to despair when I made this plea. This mind control thing had happened so many times before. I could tell how enmeshed I was with the mental and emotional bodies of those on the other end of my personal telepathic Party Line. Would I never be clear enough to exercise free will in this regard? And with those thoughts I fell back asleep.

The next morning … as is so often the case … I awoke with promptings that just seemed to materialize out of thin air. It was a certain ‘knowing’ based on nothing I could remember from the past. Where does this ‘knowing’ come from, anyway? The techniques conveyed by this ‘knowing’ turned out to be spot on, as well. So, here is the scoop …

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Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
25 April 2013

Benefits: This exercise helps re-establish individualization, a sense of ‘I Am I,’ or of personal empowerment. It helps integrate and strengthen the etheric body. It also helps turn off the ‘telepathic radio’.

Background Information. Clairvoyants have seen, in the area of the lower abdomen of the subtle body known as the etheric body, an etheric organ known as the sexual chakra, from which physical vitality emanates. This organ is shaped like a double funnel (with a front and aback funnel) that has 6 petals or gears.

Above that, at about the level of the navel point or umbilicus, is an etheric organ known as the solar plexus chakra, seat of will power. This organ is shaped like a double funnel (with a front and aback funnel) that has 10 petals or gears.

Because of the navel point’s location in the abdomen, where the sexual chakra and the solar plexus chakra are, pumping the navel point in an out (also termed ‘churning’ the navel point) will stimulate both physical vitality and will power.

Directions: Churn the abdomen at the level of the navel point slowly and gently in and out. Place your awareness on this gentle movement. Continue this practice as long as needed, whenever you wish to terminate telepathic communication.

. . . . .


Here is some background information on the Spleen Organelle (called by many the ‘Spleen Chakra’)

Take a look at these drawings …

Image: Chakras, According to the School of Theosophy, side view … ..

Image: Chakras, According to the School of Theosophy, frontal view … ..

The above-referenced drawings of the chakras are very different from many chakric drawings.

  • They show a basal chakra at the base of the spine.
  • Above it, a five-petal disk at the navel point, indicating the seat of will power.
  • Missing is the sexual chakra, possibly out of modesty.
  • Then on the left side of the torso, the spleen chakra (which I term the ‘spleen organelle’), through which vitality globules (from sunshine) enter and invigorate the body.

Image: Vitality Globule, According to Theosophy, and a Crop Circle Resembling a Vitality Globule … ..

Here is another version of the chakras, including more points …

Image: Chakras including points under the lowermost left and right ribs … ..

You will notice a standard set of chakras along the spine, with two additional points I would like to describe in more detail …

  • Starting at the base of the spine, a disk representing the basal chakra.
  • Above it the sexual or ‘sacral’ chakra.
  • Above these two points, at about the level of the navel point, or a little higher, is the navel point, the chakra that is the seat of will.
  • Then, these two unusual chakras or points between the sacral chakra and the navel point, and not on the centerline, but rather on each side of the body …
    • The larger of these is on the left side of the body, from the point of view of the embodied person. This is associated to the spleen chakra (which I prefer to call the spleen organelle), and to that part of the kundalini energy termed the Ida.
    • The smaller is on the right side of the body, from the point of view of the embodied person. This is associated to that part of the kundalini energy termed the pingala.
  • Then the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third-eye point, and the crown chakra.

Intuitively, I would say that these four points …

  • The sacral chakra,
  • The Spleen Organelle (ida point)
  • The pingala point, and
  • The navel point

… when strengthened and harmonize, represent flowering of the kundalini energy. For more on the role these two points below the ribs play, see …

Link: “In Depth Articles” … ..

It is to these two relatively unknown points … the Spleen Organelle, or Ida Point, and the Pingala Point, that I refer in the below meditation.

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Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
25 April 2013

Benefits. I gave the below meditation a try, with amazing results: My whole body became filled with vibrant energy.

Directions. Sitting in a chair, with back straight and feet flat on the floor, concentrate your awareness on the Spleen Organelle (the Ida Point), located just under the lowest left rib, a little lower than the spleen.

Imagine vitality globules being pulled toward this chakra, swirled around in it, and then streaming out into the various parts of the body.

Or, if the right side of your body is weak, concentrate your awareness on the abdomen just under the lowest right rib (at the Pingala Point). Imagine as above, only at the new location.

Continue until you feel completely full of energy.


. . . . .

Emotional Body Smoothing: Slow, Deep Breath and Slow Stomach Churning
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
25 April 2013 

Benefits. This will increase circulation of the vital energy, and smoothe the emotional body.

Directions. Sit down cross-legged on the floor, or sit, with spine vertical, in a straight-backed chair. Place your hands in your lap, palms up, and begin breathing deeply and slowly. As you do so, gently churn the stomach.

If the issue of telepathic modulation comes up again, repeat, as needed, this process of gently churning the stomach with a deep, slow breath. And that will be that!

. . . . .

Emotional Body Smoothing: The “Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh” Breath
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
25 April 2013 

To smoothe the emotional body, you can practice this breathing technique …


“Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh”  (7 repetitions, repeated 4 times)

. . . . .

Emotional Body Smoothing: Crooning “Woo-oo-oo-oo-oo”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
25 April 2013

To smoothe the emotional body, you can sing this soothing chant, in the crooning tone of voice that a mother might use in soothing her child …


“Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo” (x5)

“Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo” (x3)

. . . . .


The Emily Post guidelines for polite telepathic communications have yet to be written. As a near substitute …

Link: “How to Be Polite on the Phone,” by WikiHow’s staff … ..

… looked like a good start … it is a list of good phone manners that so frequently get left behind in the rush of modern life.

As a case in point, sometimes we may get calls from telepaths that are angry or disparaging in tone, and we may not know how to deal with the incoming negativity … especially when the caller will not hang up. This may indicate a need to build one’s own self-esteem and self-respect.


Here is a little song for self-esteem for women …

Video: “Julie Andrews-I Feel Pretty,” by Cindy Radcliphe, 14 June 2012 … ..

Here is a goofy, but touching self-esteem song by Angel …

Video: “Self esteem song – Angel,” by tuschman168, published on 19 June 2010 … ..

Well, dear ones, that is all for now.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Link: “What Is a Chakra,” by Crystal Earth Spirit … ..

Image: Emotional Body … … DESCRIPTION: The subtle body known as the emotional body is portrayed by clairvoyants as multicolored, swirling lights. Along the center line of the emotional body can be seen the variously colored chakras.

Image: “The Etheric Body” … … DESCRIPTION: This subtle body is depicted as lines of blue light within the outline of a human form. Along the center line may be seen blue outlines of the chakras.


(1) Link: Judy Satori … Search for this book amongst her products: Sunshine Before the Dawn

(2) See these chapters …

  • “Chapter XIII: Individualisation: Its Mechanism and Purpose” and
  • “Chapter XIV: Individualisation: Methods and Degrees”
    in “The Causal Body And The Ego,” compiled by Arthur E. Powell, 1928, public domain

(3) See these chapters …

  • “Chapter IX: Group Souls” and
  • “Chapter XII: Animal Group Souls”
    in “The Causal Body And The Ego,” compiled by Arthur E. Powell, 1928, public domain

(4) Link: Judy Satori … … search products for the CD: Healing the Pain


–from Link: “Telepathic Modulation,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 25 April 2013; revised on 24 December 2018 … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


A Little Blessing: Love Is All . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 16 June 2015; revised
Previously titled: Love is All


Dear Ones,

A little blessing … There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

Well, it is a beautiful day … well, actually, it is the middle of the night here. And for some reason, my energy has been so high that I have not been able to sleep.

I would just like you to know how wonderful it is to be here, at this time, when the love and the Light are increasing so greatly on Earth. Do not be concerned about the mental mind; and do not live in fear … because the Universe is nothing but love. Only love is here. The very air we breathe is love. God is love. The stars … the starlight … the sunbeams … the birds that are singing, are all expressions of God’s love for us.

There is bound to be a little commotion. There is bound to be a little upset.

The world is taking on a whole new form now, and life on Earth will be completely different.

Be of good cheer, and know that faith is the only important thing. Faith is the important thing.

Know that I love you all very much; you are the greatest Lightbearers and Wayshowers and Pathfinders in the entire Universe. You were picked to be here. Yeah.

In completion I would just like to say something that I found out today: For every human being, here on Earth, it is as if the very heart of us were a photon … just one bright spark of the great Light that is God. Yeah.

When we see the Sun … the sunlight outside, during the day, and all the beams of sunlight coming down, you can imagine that every single beam of Light … every single photon … is a being of Light that is coming to Earth to help humankind.

We are that special in the Universe; we are that much loved and cared about.

It is true: There are guides. Our Ascension team is ready for us, with the strength of 10,000 … 10,000 per human being … ready to take us and show us and teach us.

So be of good cheer. Be of good faith. You are deeply loved.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

–from Link: “A Little Blessing: Love Is All,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 16 June 2015; revised … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


Sleepiness, Societal Taboos, and the Veil of Forgetfulness . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 12 June 2015; published on 23 June 2015

    • Mysterious Waves of Sleepiness During the Day
    • The Forgetfulness Thought Cloud of the Noosphere?
    • Why the Devas Created the Veil of Forgetfulness
    • Sea Foam or Ocean Waves? A Visualization by Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,

This is about the ‘Forgetfulness Thought Cloud’ of the noosphere. Societal taboos, the desire world, awareness and unconscious thought repression, devas and nature spirits and The Veil of Forgetfulness, death and longevity. An image of the blue Pacific vs sea foam on the beach. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, I Am Alice.

Mysterious Waves of Sleepiness During the Day

I have an interesting thing to tell you about, that just now happened to me. It happens sometimes when I am driving, or sitting in meditation, or just walking around, doing the chores at home, during the daytime, that I have a sudden feeling that I would like to fall asleep. A feeling of sleepiness rolls over me.

Two years ago, I started wondering what was the cause of these feelings … I just had a feeling that they will not be there in the future, and that if I could figure out what was going on, I could eliminate that kind of sleepiness for good.

The Forgetfulness Thought Cloud of the Noosphere?

I have been trying and trying, but it is very hard to resist that sudden impulse to rest and sleep … very difficult for me. I have been trying really hard! Today was my first instance of success: I was driving along, coming over her to sit for awhile, and one of the waves rolled over me. Fortunately I was right nearly here, so I stopped, and I really felt into that wave of deep forgetfulness that rolled over me like that. I really felt into it, and held it in my awareness for a minute.

And when I did that, what seemed to have no message at all in it … only the notion of sleeping … dissolved. It sort of dissolved, like a little piece of hard bread. It dissolved in that Awareness … or changed into a communication. And the communication was from somebody else. Whether I knew that person or not, I do not know. But it was from another person.

I could hear the tone of voice of the person. It sounded like mainly just the third chakra desire world, with just one short mental message in it … A very short mental message, and a lot of emotion in it.

It seemed like these waves of sleepiness came, one after the other … following each other through the noosphere of Earth like a train of forgetfulness, or a train of sleepiness … like the opposite of noospheric NoDoz!

The next wave that came through, I was ready for; I said to myself: This is the way to figure out what is going on. The next wave came over me, and I felt so much like physically sleeping! And I just held that sleepiness in my mind … deep sleepiness, like a command to fall asleep. And the same thing happened: It dissolved! The forgetfulness quality of the thought form dissolved into a brief command, or a brief message, that was laden with the emotion of the desire world.

Is not that something? I mean, it is such a relief to finally have an answer to this question: Why would I suddenly fall asleep? I always felt compelled to do so.

I do not care for compulsion. I like knowledge. I like waking up. I like Awareness. And I like the expansive feeling of this New Age of New Creation.

So, just to let you know: If you sit when you suddenly feel like snoozing, and pay very close attention, you may also log onto the forgetfulness thought cloud of the noosphere! [laughs]

Could it be that these waves of forgetfulness constitute … or are some part of … the Veil of Forgetfulness that is spoken about in many theologies? Just a thought: Maybe that is it.

Why the Devas Created the Veil of Forgetfulness

For instance, I remember talking to the nature spirits about the devas, some time ago. The nature spirits were saying that the devas had created the Veil of Forgetfulness so that human beings … when they cross between the physical world back to the astral plane … and from the astral plane back to the physical world … would not suffer so much with the notion that they would pass on again, or that they recently had physical form.

In other words, the devas did this out of compassion for the short-lived human race. Now, it is not that we have to be short-lived; but because of the Age of the Fall, we have been rather short-lived in recent times.

Because we incarnate over and over again, the Veil of Forgetfulness soothes our hearts by helping us to forget the pain that we went through, and the sense of separation we had in a prior lifetime.

How might that work, then? As you know, there is a great deal of societal repression around the thought of death these days … at least, in the United States. People just do not talk about it. They do not like to look at or think about it … at least, not in a realistic way.

As soon as our loved ones pass on, we are likely to try to forget it. And this is understandable because of the pain of separation from loved ones that is involved in death.

It could be … because the devas and the nature spirits are involved in the fashioning of the astral plane … that they have devised a Veil made of the repression of memories of death, that somehow clears the minds of the people passing from one state or phase to the other … clears them of these memories.

So I hope to have an open, neutral mind about all the thoughts that I experience, whether they are from my own mind, or just galumphing in from other people’s minds, I think. And that … for me, at least … will help eliminate this Veil of Forgetfulness. That is my current working hypothesis.

. . . . .

Sea Foam or Ocean Waves?
A Visualization by Alice B. Clagett
12 June 2015

I would like to close with a visualization …

Imagine yourself standing at the seashore on a calm, sunny day …
With the beautiful ocean waves coming in …
Bright blue, and very transparent …
And curling up onto the seashore near your feet …
And then receding back to the ocean …
Leaving behind a little sea foam …
A little lighter and fluffier than water …
In a line, all along the shore.

That sea foam reminds me of these waves of forgetfulness
that sometimes come rolling through my mind.

They are not pure and clear, like mental thoughts.
They are not joyful, like warm Pacific ocean waters.

They are more like the staleness
of what is not that …
Like the staleness of sea foam,
that stays on the shore
when the tide recedes into the ocean.

It is a part of the water … but it is an unusual part.
It is the part that gets left behind by the Flow.

So, I say, Beware the sea foam!
Take a dip in the ocean

. . . . .

[laughs and waves … Short videoclip of hawks high up in the air, and another videoclip of a hawk flying off from a tree]

Image: “Hawk and Palm Tree,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 June 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Hawk and Palm Tree,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 June 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Image: “Purple Flowers,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 June 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Purple Flowers,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 June 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0


–from Link: “Sleepiness, Societal Taboos, and the Veil of Forgetfulness,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 12 June 2015; published on 23 June 2015 … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..


Alice’s Perilous Tales: Story of the Obsessed Shaman and Thoughts on Predominantly Masculine Astral Skits . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 8 February 2016; published on 9 May 2016, revised on 11 October 2018
Previously titled: Story of the Obsessed Shaman and Thoughts on Predominantly Masculine Astral Skits … and … Stories by Alice: Story of the Obsessed Shaman and Thoughts on Predominantly Masculine Astral Skits
Location of Alice’s Perilous Tale: Joshua Tree National Park, California

    • What is the V— D— Energy?
    • Why Placing Blame on Other Humans Does Not Get the Anticipated Results
    • Alice’s Perilous Tales: Story of the Obsessed Shaman
    • Entity Sweep: On Asking That the Air Fall Asleep
      • Prayer: When the Animals Come Around, channeled by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Words
      • May the Air Fall Asleep, version 2, by Alice B.  Clagett, Soundtrack and Lyrics
    • What Happened to the Shaman? What Becomes of Humans Who Quintessentially Embody the V— D— Energies?
    • Thoughts on Predominantly Masculine Astral Skits;  The Astral Gang Bang
    • Men, Women, and Sexual Daydreams
    • Freedom of Speech on the Astral Plane: Women, and Male Members of Groups
    • Return to Balance of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine 
    • Conclusion

Dear Ones,

This is a video about the recent clearing of the Divine Masculine energies in groups; it’s the May 2016 revision of a video previously entitled “Male Group Energies Clearing: STDs and Domination / Submission.” There is a video, and then an edited Summary …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I wanted to talk about a couple of clearing events that have taken place yesterday and today. They both have to do with groups, and clearing of groups. And, interestingly enough, they both have to do with the energy of the lower triangle, and clearing of that. It is hard to say what caused it, but the last two days have been tremendous in terms of clearing the energy of groups, and of ‘glommed groups’ … a number of groups glommed together.

What is the V— D— Energy?

So let me try to explain first. There was a situation that I have mentioned in a prior video, that had to do with the name of a person … a made-up name called V— D— in recent astral stories. This name represents an energy I termed the ‘victim-aggressor paradigm’ in 2012.  That name V— D— came to represent the Divine Masculine clearing on Earth. You may remember I talked about that the other day.

Perhaps the initials of that oft-repeated astral name also have to do with clearing the energy of STDs (especially HIV and AIDS), ie, organic sexual diseases (previously known as ‘VD’) from the energy of humankind? In other words, the first event described in this video may represent a worldwide clearing from second chakra negative to second chakra positive. We might term this the clearing of the STD mental filter. 

This name was imbued with quite a bit of negative astral energy from the lower Hellworlds. And I am sure that facilitated the clearing that was happening.

The problem was that the name seemed to be pretty much everywhere I went, geographically. It had gone just about everywhere.

As I said, it represented negative astral energy that was clearing. So what happened yesterday, had to do with this name, and why it was there, and how it was clearing … which is a very interesting instruction from the Divine.

Why Placing Blame on Other Humans Does Not Get the Anticipated Results

As it turns out, there was a shamanistic influence. And as I have said before, it is never a good idea to blame other humans for what is happening on Earth. It is never a ’cause and effect’ event between two humans.

Rather, it is what is in the air, that makes that change. We humans have a feeling. And the astral entities in the air carry that feeling from being to being. If the feeling is negative, it snowballs into a very negative feeling, and logs onto the person we were thinking about.

And then there is a response from that person … a thought form … a thought imbued with feeling. And the same thing happens again with the astral entities negative: They ratchet up. All the thought forms in the air glom to this idea.

And when it finally arrives back at me, who was the original sender, things have gotten very incendiary, you see?

So the thing to do is to clear the air; and to clear the entities from our field.

Alice’s Perilous Tales: Story of the Obsessed Shaman
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, California

And so, that is by way of explanation of what happened yesterday … There was a realization, by me and other people, that there was a person who had existed as a very strong energetic third-chakra, navel point, will power shaman.

Not too long ago, he passed on. He had many loyal followers. And he was very gifted, in many ways … in seeing the thought forms of the astral plane, and portraying them. No doubt he had quite a roll to play, in terms of fulfilling people’s requests for many things, in the country that he lived in. He was, in fact, probably known in many countries

But anyway, I could see a change, sometimes, in a shaman such as he, as time goes on. When they are in the flower of their manhood, they are able to attract powerful astral entities that will do their bidding. They can enslave them. And there are, no doubt, time-honored techniques for doing this.

But the problem is, as the human begins to age, he loses some of the vital elan that he once had. Some of the manhood simmers down, and becomes more conservative. And the more that happens … the more the will power begins to fade, in old age … the more the entity that the shaman has attracted can gain control over him.

Apparently, in this instance, that is what happened. And when the shaman returned to the astral plane, after passing on, several people today … during the Ascension process … summoned him to work for them. But in fact, what they got, was the power of the astral negative entity that had attached to him, and was confining him in the astral realm Hellworlds.

So when this powerful shaman was called, what action occurred in the Noosphere and the Magnetosphere of Earth … especially the Noosphere … had to do with ratcheting up of the Divine Masculine in its negative aspect.

So those of us that realized that yesterday, bade him leave these people alone. And he went off. And the audio effects were incredible, on that astral plane. If I were to envision it, I would imagine this great, huge, children’s balloon being blown up really big …

You know how, if you do not tie it up, and you let the balloon go, it goes fizzing off everywhere, losing air until it has no more air in it, and then it sinks to the ground. And that is what it sounded like happened to this person.

Here is an animated gif I made for another blog, in which I spoke of this astral event. The animated gif was another attempt at describing the event that occurred …

Image: “Animated Gif, Mind Controller Sucked Through Wormhole to the Realm of Greatest Darkness,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 December 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: In the middle of a starry sky is a wormhole. In the wormhole are the face and arms of a man; his eyes are wide open and his hands are clutching his hair. The image of the man spirals around and becomes smaller and smaller, as if the man were being pulled into the wormhole … CREDIT: Wormhole by Alain r , CC BY-SA 3.0, and “The Desperate Man (Self-Portrait),” by Gustave Courbet (1819-1877), public domain

Image: “Animated Gif, Mind Controller Sucked Through Wormhole to the Realm of Greatest Darkness,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 December 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: In the middle of a starry sky is a wormhole. In the wormhole are the face and arms of a man; his eyes are wide open and his hands are clutching his hair. The image of the man spirals around and becomes smaller and smaller, as if the man were being pulled into the wormhole … 

CREDIT: Wormhole by Alain r , CC BY-SA 3.0, and “The Desperate Man (Self-Portrait),” by Gustave Courbet (1819-1877), public domain

I was concerned, actually … very concerned. He sounded just so sad and weak and pitiful … more and more so … crying out for help, you know? …

… And so I thought about it, quickly. At first, I tried a time-honored technique … First I said: I assign this person to the seventh level of Hell now, so that he can learn the Soul lessons that will allow him to ascend to heart consciousness … because he had been using power for other people’s personal purposes.

So he was going, fizzing, with the balloon thing. And that got me concerned. So I said: Oh, yeah! Assign a room in the Ritz Carlton, in the seventh level of astral negative, for him. 

And then I heard: Oh, thank you very much! … And he settled in. And so then I had a breather. [laughs]

So I thought of the person that he might really admire … since he was a shaman. I thought of Djwhal Khul. Djwhal Khul is a representative of many different modalities of spirituality: Christianity … I heard he was a Tibetan lama (the head of a monastery there too) … and also, I think he had a shamanic instinct as well.

So I thought: Here is a perfect person!  He can combine all of these, and teach him quite a lot. So my prayer was: Djwhal Khul, please go down to the seventh level of Hell negative, and oversee the teaching of this person, if you would.

And the response, in a very mature and very firm masculine voice: Yes, I will … A lot of other people were chiming in too. It was quite a show. [laughs]

And so that worked out ok, I think. And immediately, the noosphere of Earth changed immensely … absolutely immensely! It was like a great weight had been lifted off of Earth.

Entity Sweep: On Asking That the Air Fall Asleep

And so, I recommend always looking to ourselves, to make sure there are no astral negative entities around us … And to give them a wide berth, you know? … May the air fall asleep! …

. . . . .

Link: “Children’s Prayer for Protection from the Demon Realm: May the Air Fall Asleep,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 13 October 2015 … ..

Prayer: When the Animals Come Around
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
13 October 2015


When the animals come around, say: May the air fall asleep!

. . . . .

Link: “Song for Children, to Make the Air Fall Asleep,” by Alice B. Clagett, Filmed on 28 July 2017 at Lake Piru, California … … 

May the Air Fall Asleep, version 2
by Alice B.  Clagett
Soundtrack and Lyrics
28 July 2017


May the air fall asleep!   (x3, singing very quietly and slowly]

. . . . .

… that kind of chant.

That is the first thing that happened. And it followed upon an experience I had many years ago, that was rather similar to it, in that it corroborates and strengthens this story (but which I will not discuss today).

What Happened to the Shaman? What Becomes of Humans Who Quintessentially Embody the V— D— Energies?

The misaligned energies of V— D— have been removed from the unconscious minds of many groups of people, and Earth’s electromagnetic field (EMF) has been cleared of this Divine Masculine negative energy. Where did this energy go? What happened to the shaman in this story, who quintessentially embodied the V— D— energies, and chose not to clear through them through the upgrades of the Incoming Light?

  • One way to look at this astral event is to envision confinement of a negative astral entity to the hellworlds, with an Ascended Master as a teacher there.
  • Alternatively, one may envision that such a being was required by the guardians of our Solar System to exit this star system through a wormhole. After all, this being’s energies are misaligned regarding New Earth.
  • Alternatively we may envision a startlingly sudden process of Soul devolution, and transformation of the energy that had been an individual Soul to non-individualized essence or manifestation as creation through the Cosmic Awareness of God
  • Or, we can concentrate on the Plane of Forces, in particular the electromagnetic field force, and avoid the astral particulars. The outcome is the same, and the manner of departure is not so very relevant, I feel.

See also Link:”Brothers of the Shadow,” by Helena P. Blavatsky, in Theosopedia … ..

Thoughts on Predominantly Masculine Astral Skits: The Astral Gang Bang

Then today, something happened with another leader of a big group of people worldwide. And these are indications of what is going to be happening in the near future, I think, with groups all over.

This person had in mind, and was creating, astral stories, with all this huge group … almost all men … participating in this group, with a focus on a particular woman … or maybe a succession of women … that the masculine energy of his group completely overwhelmed.

And so, it was an unpleasant experience for the women who were featured in the astral ‘plays’, in the astral stories. For the women, it felt like an astral ‘gang bang’ … like astral gang rape.

I do not know the reason why that type of play happened. Perhaps it had to do with humankind clearing through societal expectations regarding gender roles and the feral instinct regarding the feral drive known as pack ordering or dominance / submission. Maybe it had to do with the balance of energy in the group.

So but today … just now, in fact … he decided to release one of the unwilling protagonists of these overbearingly masculine plays … which seem fine to men, you know, because they are very into the thing that they are doing.

And they are paying attention to how much they love to do it together, you know? For them, it is a question of expression of the feral drive known as male bonding.

And so, they are not thinking about the lone female protagonist. They are not thinking: What are her feelings?

They are thinking: She has got to love it, because I love it! … Like that.  It is very interesting, that point of view.

And so but, today he got this notion in his mind … a notion that is very healing … about the woman as being not physically attractive to him. And immediately, it fractalized out to his entire group.

Now, if he can repeat that with all the women that this has been happening with, for his group, then that will free these women to pursue their own co-creative faculties.

That is really a freeing up of energies. It is a kind of a release of the causal skein.

Men, Women, and Sexual Daydreams

Right now men are rising to awareness that women are different from them in this regard. This is disillusioning for men, I feel, since women have for aeons fostered this illusion in men … that they, women, are beings with sexual fantasies similar to those of men … so that they can get what they need from men in the way of personal financial security and also the means to support their children.

This was only possible because men, during the Age of Darkness, have had the axiatonal lines of Light that should keep their astral bodies in constant communication with their Lower Mental Bodies largely shut down by EMF field tangles. Thus men have, till now, in many cases been only sketchily able to sense the emotions in their own astral bodies, as well as the emotions of their wives and lovers.

So what is happening is that, as men’s Awareness extends from the plane of the Lower Mental Body into the astral plane, the veil of illusion is being removed from their eyes, and they are coming to the realization that women do not, after all, enjoy the same sexual fantasies as men do.

Freedom of Speech on the Astral Plane: Women, and Male Members of Groups

Further, in the astral plane, for these many aeons, there has been a silencing of women, and an abrogation of their freedom of speech. This can be seen, in the current astral stories, as a reluctance of women to participate in the stories.

When women do participate in the stories, invariably I have found that their mates instantly put them down and demand that they be silent. It is a little like Archie’s oft-repeated phrase … Will you stifle yourself? … that he used to say to his wife Edith in the long-running TV show “All in the Family” …

Video: “Will You Stifle Yourself,” by Funny Tv and Movie Lines, 9 July 2015 … ..

When I ask the women about their muteness during the astral stories, they say they are afraid of what will happen to them, astrally, if they speak. So on the astral plane, women feel they are denied the right to speak, even though in our United States Constitution, on the physical or 3D plane, they have been granted that right.

Consequently, as things stand, even though women as well as men are rising to Awareness of the astral or 4D plane, women will not be able to participate in co-creation of New Life on New Earth until they face up to the nay-saying of their husbands and families, and clearly state that they are human beings who have freedom of astral speech.

Also of concern is the freedom of speech of men who are members of Earthly groups … the freedom of speech of these men with regard to the astral stories is abrogated by the leaders of their groups. It will up to these men to face up to the tyranny to which they have been subjected, and take back their right to freedom of astral speech.

Return to Balance of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine 

As mentioned earlier, it could be that all this has to do with humankind clearing through societal expectations regarding gender roles and  the feral drive known as pack ordering or  dominance / submission. This is an energy thread that previously has been termed the Patriarchal Domination mental filter. When these clearings are complete, I feel the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine will have returned to balance.


I think these are both excellent omens for the future, and I am looking forward to finding out what is going to free up tomorrow.

You all, take care. Love you lots.


In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Link: “On the Fate of Mind Controllers; On Binding Down and Transforming the Demon Realm,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 2 December 2017; revised on 12 August 2018 to include animation frames … … Search: Perilous … I have duplicated an animated gif from that link, as an illustration for the current discussion.

Link: “More on the V— D— Energy Leaving: Alternate World and Timeline Merge Hypothesis,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 21 February 2016; published on 25 February 2016, revised on 11 October 2018 … ..

Link: “On Dissolving the Black Diamond Out of Our Aura,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 27 November 2016; published on 5 December 2016 … ..


–from Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Story of the Obsessed Shaman and Thoughts on Predominantly Masculine Astral Skits,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 8 February 2016; published on 9 May 2016, revised on 11 October 2018 … ..


Alice B. Clagett

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, “The Chalice and the Crucible” by Alice B. Clagett … … is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) … ..